Structural Timber

Quality Local Products. Reliable Supply.

Whether you are a DIY builder or a major wholesaler, Wespine will be happy to answer any questions you might have about our products.

To buy our products, we have a range of distributors available.

Our pine framing is gauged to provide a smooth surface to accurate dimensions – this makes it easy to handle and work with to a high degree of accuracy.  The timber is mechanically graded and tested to ensure that every piece meets the same high standard for strength, stiffness and durability.

Pine doesn’t conduct heat or electricity and it has a great capacity to absorb impact and temporary overload, which may occur in cyclones and earthquakes.

This means added safety – on the job and after the house is finished. Cupboards, pictures, windows, air-conditioning and skylights can easily be installed in a timber framed house both during construction and when doing subsequent renovations.

A timber-framed house doesn’t readily transmit noise or heat and pine framing is an environmentally sound choice, so we all breathe a little easier!